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Life on the Move: A Quick Update from Braze Ranch

Life on the Move: A Quick Update from Braze Ranch

Hey there, Braze Ranch followers! We owe you a big apology for the radio silence lately. It seems like life has been moving at lightning speed around here, and we wanted to take a moment to fill you in on what's been happening behind the scenes.

Over the past few weeks, we've been immersed in an exciting endeavor: expanding our land! Of course, acquiring new land means we had to tackle the monumental task of moving our mama cows and their babies. It has been a labor-intensive process, but watching cows explore their new surroundings made it all worthwhile.

As any farmer knows, when you're knee-deep in the daily tasks of running a ranch, time seems to slip away unnoticed. With the flurry of activities involved in the land acquisition and the careful transition of our precious herd, we unintentionally neglected our social media presence. We apologize for leaving you hanging.

Now that we're settling into the rhythm of our expanded operation, we're eager to reconnect with you all and share our ongoing adventures. From new grazing areas to the continued growth of our cows and the sustainable practices we uphold, there's plenty to catch up on!

We promise to keep you in the loop moving forward. Expect more updates, photos, and stories as we delve into the everyday joys and challenges of life on the ranch. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to us, and we can't wait to continue sharing our journey with you.

Warm regards,

The Braze Ranch Team